Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Came across this video while reading Rezzable. Some time ago I had blogged about the Carnival Of Doom and you may remember that I was very impressed. Well recently I came across this little video and thought I'd share it with you. It captures the essence of the place way better than words ever could, although nothing as dramatic happened to ME there, dammit.
Maybe it's time to go back?!

Rezzable Check out the Molotov videos while your there!

Carnival Of Doom!

Carnival Of Doom on Flickr

Monday, April 12, 2010

Trilled To Death...And Loving It!

Nestled in a quaint little valley, teetering on the edge of midnight, rests a very particular village.
In this village specters live and ghosts whisper stories in your ears by firelight. Search for a hidden heart that tells a tale of tragedy, and you will find it.
Wrap a shroud of fog around your shoulders to comfort yourself after bathing in a river wide of flowing green. For you have arrived at a dimension in between, a world of chilling fun, and accidental, virtual unease!

"....looking up at the Poe Manse you wonder..what could be so bad?..It seems perfectly normal.."

And it is normal of course, until you step inside..., and thus begins every classic horror story, every tale of infamous misfortune. Innocent enough, even charming on the surface, until you discover the unnervingly mysterious secret that lies just beneath The Village Of The Nyght.
Sentimentally familiar old time radio show horror stories play out in your ears as you begin your exploration. Exceptional scripts, eerie music and spectacular voice acting build the mood and heighten the tension you feel before you fall into each trap. And you will fall. You maybe able to imagine part of what is in store for you, but the twists, those you won't see coming, and yes, they are that good. Stumble into a grave and you get cursed, fall through a hole in the forest and be forced to touch a ghost to win your way out. Tangle with a very dead pirate, and lose your arms. Be attacked by poltergeists who though unseen, whirl shelves of books around your body in impassioned rage. Wandering around or touching just about anything will create a startling response and just in case you happen to miss a "misadventure" as you wander from place to place in this shadowy hamlet, strange ideas will suddenly pop into your head, ideas that are sure to make sure you find trouble...,

"Your inner voice whispers: many ghosts...they seem to be rising from beneath..what could be there?"

What indeed? But as you will find out, there is always something there, underneath floors, behind secret doors, under the water, inside treasure chests, graves, rooms, caves, buildings, the forest, and all of these somethings are surprising clever, nothing you will ever suspect, all designed to trill you to death with delight.

If you are searching for a enchantingly frightening place in Second Life to have some fun, well take my advice, make your first and only stop for the night be The Village Of The Nyght. You and your friends will have "lmao" moments just reacting to each others predicaments. Be prepared to be a bit intimidated and add this LM to your favorites. This is one of the best dark places I've ever had the pleasure to visit in SL and it gets a 5 skeleton grins up! Rated PC for Perpetually Creepy!

My machine's in the shop, couldn't edit these photos the way I usually do, still you get the idea..., just go!
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